Wednesday 8 October 2014

B. Assignment 1: Depict!

Own Idea: About an old women who moves across the street from a young boy who is 12, sat in her wheelchair at the window watching people, she watched the boy in his bedroom then eventually she got moved to an old peoples home one day she appears behind his shower curtain and screams "August" at him, he does research and finds a wedding photo of when she was younger with her husband who looked identical to him and she looked like his wife.

Group Idea: A mocumentary about the grim reaper who just has a normal life like any other guy, works in an office and kills people and takes their souls his normal day job he lives in a normal house and tweets, plays video games, watches films etc.
We came to this decision because it seemed like the funniest/best idea and seems different to the norm of what a short film would be, it seemed easy enough to film and make into 90 seconds. With props and costume it wouldn't need that much as only would need a basic black sort of suit and a mask with a scythe.

Shot Lists:
Open shot: He has the handheld camera as if it’s a over the shoulder shot showing the “viewers” what his day job is like. Grim reaper walks into a room finds a dead person makes a stupid pun/joke about it, then he tweets something sarcastic about his work. Wide shot of the area and where the dead body is. (15 seconds) 

Second shot: walking away from body (mid shot) Second shot: and he is talking to someone who is off screen (publicist) about what he has to be doing whilst filmed by camera man, medium shot. (10 seconds)

Third/three a shot: An interview (medium close up) where he is talking to the camera and looking off screen as well, he ia brief description of how much he enjoys his job and what he has just had to do. Scene switches from interview to where he is sorting the body out (long shot) but the interview is still playing so it is like a voice over. (15 seconds)

Forth shot: Cuts to him in a small office (medium shot) doing some sort of paperwork writing down information, and making a phone call, a medium, wide shot showing the office and the props.(5-10 seconds)

Fifth shot: Camera man asks question about how he gets treated in the work place, then cuts to a shot of him walking into office building (long, tracking shot) with a brief case and all of the co-workers are saying hello and good morning to him. 

Fifth A Shot: Then cuts back to him in the small office he then stand up (long, wide shot) and walks around to a file cabinet and continues explaining how he loves the workplace. (15 seconds)

Sixth shot: Switches to an over the shoulder shot behind him showing him on the computer on reddit just scrolling down the feed laughing to himself and turns around and says something to the camera man to look at his screen, he then places the camera down beside the monitor and they both laugh at an image which isn’t visible (out of focus, close up shot) (20 seconds)

Seventh shot: Time jump to the end of the day and he is putting away paper, packing his bag, tucking his chair in and making sure his computer is shut down and everything has been locked up. (Wide long shot) He then talks to the camera about how his day has been whilst proceeding to walk out of the building. (15 seconds)

Blog Diary:
Tuesday the 30th: Started coming up with own ideas for a short 90 second film, we then got into our groups and gave our ideas to the rest of the group and decided what we were going to choose and whether or not we were going to develop two ideas together or adapt anymore. In the end we went with Stuart's idea of a grim reaper mockumentary called 'my life is death'. We then all discussed what the basic plot of the 90 second film would be and wrote down some notes, we also started writing down each shot and discussed location ideas and how everything would be laid out. 

Wednesday 1st October: We continued with our word document on each shot and what it would contain and the Mise-en-scene of the whole thing. We also discussed more in-depth about the narrative and how exactly we wanted it to be set out. We also started drafting out our story boards and writing the mise-en-scene in each of the scenes of the story board and went through permission forms & consent forms.

Thursday 2nd October: We continued going through the story boards and filling in all the info about location, props, costumes and the shot types. We also started drawing the shots including the characters and the surrounding landscape, we also went through the permission forms and went to one of the locations to ask permission for filming.
Friday 3rd October: We started making filling out more forms such as the risk assessment, budgeting forms, release forms and costume and props lists. I also went into one of the rooms that we are filming in and done a risk assesment of the various objects which could be at risk, i also got the owner of the room to sign a permission form to give us permission to film in the room. I then went to our other location to do another risk assessment form and took photos of the location.

Monday 6th October: I started to type up the production schedule and add the photos to my blog, and arrange all of the paperwork we also started to work on the script.

Monday 13th October: We started filming in the meeting room location and followed our production plan, we changed a few things like the different shot types.
Tuesday 12th October: We uploaded the footage we had filmed on the Monday onto the macs and arranged it then sorted out our blogs.
Wednesday 13th October: We started filming the sections of the film from location one out the front of the college and updated our blogs from what we had done the past days.
Thursday 16th October: Stuart filmed the scenes that were set for his front room after school.
Friday 17th October: We filmed the last of the scenes wit the interview scene an then we uploaded all of our footage to the mac's.
Monday 20th October: We started editing all of our clips by putting them onto premiere pro and cutting them and adding titles onto them.
Tuesday 21st October: We finished off our editing and finalised it by boosting and adding audio onto the clips and changing the volumes of each of them. We completed the whole of the sequence and rendered it then uploaded it onto the ENBTECMEDIA youtube channel.

Photos from location: Location one out-front of the college. We then went through the photos and release forms we got from Stuart for his house and put all of the paperwork together.

 Location two: Inside meeting room.

 Location three: Stuart's front room


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